Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Searing Meats!

Divadish Kitchens & Catering

Seared Chicken

Chicken is such a versatile food that goes with just about any side dish too.This dish pictured I fixed with a side of honey carrots, it was a nice combo meal and was very satisfying.

Searing meats is something that has been done mostly by restaurants boasting that they have the secret to keeping your meats juicy and tasty.

How do you sear your meats? well it takes a heavy frying pan, preferably a Food Safe pan because these can take the heat and hold it too which is important for searing.

Okay so we got the right pan now so now to proceed to searing our meat, make sure you preheated your pan slowly, meaning not turning your flame or electric burner to high and leave it there, it needs to warm up the pan slow I suggest at a med flame or temp, add your cooking olive oil and your seasoned meat. 

Then sear meat for app. 2-5 minutes each side turning it as needed. Finish cooking the meat this way in pan till done or put in a greased baking dish and bake @ 350' for app. 30-50 min. depending on what you are cooking. 
Steak, Shrimp, or chops do not do, but most other meats like chicken pork roasts, beef roasts are just fine.

Cooking can be fun, but you have to put some effort into it too. so go forth and Cook and enjoy.

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Ricotta for Dessert?

Divadish Kitchens & Catering

Sweetened Ricotta Dessert

This dessert pictured above is very light and creamy to the tongue. Textures and visual is what most foodies look at when they go food shopping, they like bright colors and appetizing layout as much as a artist likes the perfect sunset.

When I make something new I make sure I like the combinations of the ingredients first, second I see if I want to tweak any of them, third then I see if I can make it taste better.

With all there is out there today to choose from in seasonings, extracts, toppings, icings, etc. you should not be limited at all to having the Best Food experience ever. If you are not as adventurous in the kitchen and want to be or just want someone else to do all the work please feel free to call The Diva @ 612-859-3270, I will make sure your taste buds and your stomach are doing the Happy Dance after all is done:)

Monday, April 7, 2014

Cake decorating?

Divadish Kitchens & Catering

Divadish likes to mix it up a bit even with her cakes. I do not like thick frosting on anything especially cakes as I feel it weighs it down.

Why not eat a slice of cake instead of a mouthful of icing? it seems reasonable to me.

So what I do for my cakes, cookies, and cupcakes is use a drizzle stick, this is a great little tool and it allows you to decorate anything from desserts to a garnishment on a plate with a flick of the wrist and a small amount of product to make your desserts or main entree look absolutely Divine!

You can find these little wonder tools at any kitchen store or online @ Kitchen Nova. Com great tools for a little price, now you go off and find something to drizzle on!