Monday, May 2, 2011

Peanut Butter Cups

Chocolate &Peanut Butter Truffles
Picture this, you just got back from a extensive jogging routine and your body is craving something sweet really big time!
You start to wonder what could really fill that hunger for a sugar buzz!

Or how about this scenario, you want to reward your taste buds with something smooth and luscious and 
your usual hit is a Reese's peanut butter cup... Not anymore it's not,,, these will literally blow them right out of the water!
These say Oh Baby! as soon as they hit your mouth and start to melt slowly and fill your senses with that right combination of  rich chocolate and chunky peanut butter goodness.

Divadish hand designs each and everyone of these Chocolate & Peanut butter delights.
The truffles are niced sized and can be shared,,,, Ha,Ha, but if not thats fine too.

I sell them by the dozen @ $3.00 each =$36.00
They freeze very well and will last app. 30 days in their frozen state.
That way you can have control over those urges , Ha,Ha Ha!

To place your  order please call my business line @612-859-3270
Allow (2) business days for each order
All orders are prepaid before made.

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