Asian Pasta Salad...?

Divadish likes different things and likes to share those different recipes with her clients too. We get tired of cooking the same things too, so we step outside those boxes of cooking like a artist does her first watercolor or a architect does his first cabin home, we Love the challenge and the mystique of what if?

When this happens we learn something about taste and textures and it results in a new recipe we then can share with our clients and  it enhances our own experience.

As the politicians like to say it is a WIN, Win, for ALL!!!

This particular salad pictured has bow tie Barilla pasta, a  Mixed Ginger Garlic Sauce in the chicken mix and as a dressing, then a toasted ginger sesame seeds with a touch of orange added in, black olives, soy sauce and topped all off with sweet clementine oranges for color and taste, also adding another layer of texture to your palate too.

When you Love cooking like I do it is the challenge to twist things up in our kitchens when we are creating a new recipe,you want to make it just a little different, a little better if you can, or a little richer! I so Love it when it comes out just right and I can do my Happy- Dance all the way to my clients house... Yippee for all and I get the bonus of sharing it with someone else, so if you would like to share in my dance please feel free to call when you need a little dancing going on in your kitchens. 

Always The Diva Dish.. Chef Gianna