Diabetes Prevention? Written by Suzy Cohen
Licensed pharmacist for over 22 years

Excerpts reprinted by Divadish Personal Chef Services

What is the number one thing I can do to prevent diabetes?

Avoid WHITE!!!! Meaning white salt, white sugar,white flour. White flour is particularly offensive because it contains a compound known to harm the pancreas- the very gland you need for a healthy blood sugar balance because it secretes Insulin!

How does this happen? the pancreas has two parts the Head and the Stern so to speak, the Head part is the part that releases insulin into our bodies when we feed our bodies, giving Us our body's energies. The Stern or back end of the pancreas is where the Enzymes are released to break down the foods so we can digest and absorb them.

Without these working together properly we do not maintain healthy bodies.

The Wheat which is used to create flour is harvested and processed under special care and many, many chemicals, fungicides, and fertilizer all of which add up too about (83)  many of these chemicals have been  in studies shown to cause CANCER in animals or humans!:( When the wheat kernels are harvested the workers make sure everything stays cool so No fungal growth develops and contaminates the product ruining the whole crop. 

Then the wheat kernels get striped of their Bran and "germ" layer - a process that removes all fiber, minerals, and vitamins. Leaving it Unnatural and basically worthless to our Natural Bodies. Then they take this brown natural colored flour and use a chemical similar to Chlorine Bleach called "ALLOXAN"to Whiten the flour. This chemical Destroys Pancreatic function.!!!

Now you all are understanding this right? our producers use 83 different chemicals, most which have been proven to cause cancers, and then add another chemical to aid in destroying our most vital organ our Insulin and enzyme Pancreas.???! Huh,  You have to wonder,why do we continue eating the stuff? and why is this process even still happening? it is called supply and demand, and until the Consumer says stop, and lets find another way to do this that is Natural we will all be subject to these Processed flours.

What can you do? Read the packaging, do not buy products that use bleached flours in them, eat more of a balanced diet, make more of your own food and less Processed Foods, cut back on fast foods and start 2014 out with the Greatest word ever invented"MODERATION" We all know what it means we just get too Lazy to do it, or too Busy, it is not Rocket Science but we do make it harder than it should be! 

If all else fails Hire Divadish Personal Chef Services I will make sure you do eat right and when you realize how right feels you will say to yourself What took Me so Long!:)

Divadish Kitchens & Catering
Chef Gianna E. Ianos