The Old saying "Your are what you Eat" is very true indeed. Why you ask, well let's talk about that for a bit.
Fast foods chains may be trying to lure us back with the salads, or the wraps, but do you really know what is in them? how many calories are there in each one?
How much sugar in the dressing, and what did you pick for a beverage?
Why am I asking all these questions because when they say Fast food that is what it means, it does not mean Home made, made to order or carefully selected ingredients to make it healthier.
You have to ask yourself can I eat this everyday? or can I eat this occasionally?Will it screw up my good diet? or eating habits?
The answers are not complicated, do you eat wholesome foods all week? do you drink plenty of water? and do you exercise? these are the common denominators for anyone to stay well threw out their entire life and reap the benefits from it as well.
As a human race we tend to skip around a bit on the word Healthy because it might taste bad, like the commercials keep saying try it you might like it!
I agree on that point because once you start adding in some good choices in your diet you become accustomed to it very quickly and will be tempted less often by the Fast Food Merry -Go- Rounds.
Here are some healthier choices for you to think about when you go out to eat.
- Ask for dressings on the side
- If it has breading on it ask if it is heavy or pan fry it, it is lighter and less greasy
- Gravies ask for them on side
- Potatoes choose baked with sour cream and butter on side
- Beverages (Do not ask for a Big Pop) if you must have one ask for one small glass and no refills Please!
- Always add a piece of fruit to your meal for these reasons, fills you up, meaning you will eat less, and is good fiber and balances your sugar levels. Making you loose weight naturally!
- Eat Proteins first, salads and fruits next and if you need a sweet add a small cookie not iced or a small slice of fruit pie. Your plate should be 70/30 meaning 70% Veggies and fruits and grains and 30% lean proteins.
- Keep a journal of how you are doing or a app on your Iphones or Smart phone will help you stay on track, and watch yourself and your waistline thank you later.
Divadish Personal Chef Services
Chef Gianna
Posted by Gianna Elizabeth Ianos. Posted In : Good food?