Love BBQ? but hate the thick paste that it sometimes tastes like? I have a solution for all of you BBQ Lovers!!!!!!
Divadish loves to do her sauces she serves with meats to be rich yet not so thick they make you gag...:(
What you need to remember is to thin them with a little liquor...:) Or as I like to suggest Happy liquids:)
Now don't go crazy with this and make it a Alcohol bath party,,,, just adding a 1/4 to 1/2 cup of brandy or rum or wine to your sauces depending on what it is will make your sauce more tasty and even a bit more delicate then it was before.
The most famous of food houses use all types of liquors to bring out the flavor in your meats, and also tenderizing them too as they cook, this little add in adds flavor and tenderizing all for the same amount , it is like a twofer all rolled up in one shot glass! Such a deal you should get says my Jewish Side I so love a good quote...!
Now all you have to do is pull out that side of beef, pork, or chicken and start adding your regular marinade with a little extra to it and let it sit a bit in this mixture for all of it to take hold and then sear it into the meat and slow cook it in your oven @ 275-325' till it falls apart when pulled with a fork. Now if your mouth isn't watering and your stomach growling then you are either not Alive or your a Vegetarian,, So Sorry for you..... :(
Here in Minnesota we honor our Cave -Man Ancestry, and then some and I gotta tell you I am glad we do, it makes me smile and also keeps the Dr's away because as my Italian mother is famous for saying and I quote
" Skinny B_____ches... Die so much Sooner ... ! She has stuck to that witticism since I can remember and she is 89 and going strong, and is by No Means a Skinny B______! So like I always have said cooking is a creative process, not something you throw on a plate and scarf down in two minutes and say okay that's done now, food is a gift to our bodies and should be enjoyed and relished, so go and get that bottle of Booze and do some relishing and a Happy Dance all the way to your kitchens.
Diva Loves Ya, G.
Divadish loves to do her sauces she serves with meats to be rich yet not so thick they make you gag...:(
What you need to remember is to thin them with a little liquor...:) Or as I like to suggest Happy liquids:)
Now don't go crazy with this and make it a Alcohol bath party,,,, just adding a 1/4 to 1/2 cup of brandy or rum or wine to your sauces depending on what it is will make your sauce more tasty and even a bit more delicate then it was before.
The most famous of food houses use all types of liquors to bring out the flavor in your meats, and also tenderizing them too as they cook, this little add in adds flavor and tenderizing all for the same amount , it is like a twofer all rolled up in one shot glass! Such a deal you should get says my Jewish Side I so love a good quote...!
Now all you have to do is pull out that side of beef, pork, or chicken and start adding your regular marinade with a little extra to it and let it sit a bit in this mixture for all of it to take hold and then sear it into the meat and slow cook it in your oven @ 275-325' till it falls apart when pulled with a fork. Now if your mouth isn't watering and your stomach growling then you are either not Alive or your a Vegetarian,, So Sorry for you..... :(
Here in Minnesota we honor our Cave -Man Ancestry, and then some and I gotta tell you I am glad we do, it makes me smile and also keeps the Dr's away because as my Italian mother is famous for saying and I quote
" Skinny B_____ches... Die so much Sooner ... ! She has stuck to that witticism since I can remember and she is 89 and going strong, and is by No Means a Skinny B______! So like I always have said cooking is a creative process, not something you throw on a plate and scarf down in two minutes and say okay that's done now, food is a gift to our bodies and should be enjoyed and relished, so go and get that bottle of Booze and do some relishing and a Happy Dance all the way to your kitchens.
Diva Loves Ya, G.
Posted by Gianna Elizabeth Ianos. Posted In : Alcohol and Cooking
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