Saturday, February 5, 2011

Just a bite!#8

What is the secret to loosing weight? how am I going to shed these pounds before whatever event?
These are all questions I think the Universe asks themselves.
The simple answer as I see it is food portions sizes, combinations of foods, and No Processed foods.
Of course if you absolutely have to have something, because those Cravings are worse than giving birth pains, then have Just one Bite.
Remember when the Big thing was taking a one bite of something and spitting it out? it wasn't for the food value, or for satisfying Hunger, it was for just the Taste!. We all thought it was the next Big Weight Lost Plan, really.
The movie stars were doing it, Farrah Fawcett, Elizabeth Taylor, they swore by it, so of course they must know, they look Fantastic! Of course what we did not know was they like everyone else gained weight too, and when their bodies could not take the eating, then the purging, then the starving they went to The Fat Farms, and had work done.We do not have that luxury, and it is very hard on our bodies even if we could afford it!
So what can we do? We can eat moderately, eat 6-8 small meals per day, including snacks.
Drink 4-8 glasses of water, skip drinking Soda,have Black Tea or Coffee (2-4 cups a day), eat Greek Yogurt for digestion, and avoid Processed Foods like it was a Plague!
This will take training, like for the first 2-4 weeks you will be tempted to over indulge, but after you do you will feel bloated, and uncomfortable and then realize, you feel so much better when you don't do it.  Wallah you gradually are just doing it Naturally.
That is what Dieting (Hate,Hate that Word) is, a gradual change in how we look and eat food.This is the Key to Successful weight Loss, No shiny pills, No Magic Tricks, No Fancy Diet, just plain common sense approach to how you deal with food! I hope this helps and you all take the time you need to give my suggestions a try.
Please let me know how you are doing, by leaving me comments, or e-mail me @
I look forward to hearing how it is going! Success is measured in small steps Not Leaps!

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