Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Staying Well ?

Divadish Kitchens & Catering

Spinach Bacon Quiche'

Eating healthy is easier than you think and is one of the ways to help your Immune system.

Here is the (6) strategies to stay well all year!

  1. Eat Healthy
Limit your sugar intake, saturated fats, trans fats, and processed foods. The Old Adage everything in moderation has always been the Golden Rule for most everything we do in Life, our diets are no exception. 

It is OK to celebrate during the Holidays with our favorite foods but make sure you are also eating plenty of vegetables and fruits along with lean proteins whole grains and low fat dairy. To learn more about eating for your body type visit choosemyplate.gov

2. Exercise often

Regular exercise helps flush bacteria from the lungs and may even reduce cancer causing cells from our bodies through increased waste, such as urine and sweat.Exercising also increase white blood cells, which detect diseases earlier.
3.Sleep more
When you sleep your body produces cytokines, which are proteins that reduce inflammation, infections and stress.
In addition lack of sleep increases our risks for obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

4. Stress less

Living in our World today with all that we are expected to do and now with technology as advanced as it is we get less down time. 
Stress creeps in and does it Bad thing by releasing a hormone called Cortisol, this little hormone wracks havoc with our immune systems leading to weight gain, and chronic illness.
How can you help your stress levels, take 10 minutes each day to do deep breathing exercises, a brisk walk, yoga, meditation, these things will help manage your busy life.

5. Live well

Lifestyle choices can also help your overall health.
Quitting or not smoking, drinking in moderation. Reduce your blood pressure levels, washing your hands regularly, limit your exposure to sick people.

6. Supplement wisely
Here is a list of musts:

  • Vitamin C 1,000-2,000 mgs daily
  • Vitmin D3 2,000-5,000 mgs daily
  • Echinacea 1-2 tabs per manufacture directions .
  • Elderberry 3.8 grams per manufacture directions
To capture the Best Healthy Life make good eating a regular way of life, exercise often, make better life choices to make Your Life the Best it can be!

*Excerpts are from The Healthy Living Magazine article by Dr. Andrew Myers

1 comment:

  1. Eating healthy and other easy tips to help you stay well, read more in this weeks blog...
