Tuesday, February 15, 2011

"Smaller Sizes" #18

We have all been there before, maybe for some of us several times.
Like a rollcoaster ride, when we go Up &Down several times before the ride is finally done.
And we are either sick from all of those up& downs or tired.
It is hard work to maintain your weight, your new You!
I am not going to sugar-coat this for you, No never ever, It Is Dam Hard Work!
How can you make it easier?
What can you do to maintain it?
Will I gain it all back?

These are all fair questions, and the answers are as Plain as the nose on your Face.
Here are my solutions speaking only from personal experience and many years of therapy.. 
No just kidding on the threapy .lol
You need to find out what motivates you, not your friends, you.
Everyone, and I mean everyone has different hot buttons,that means why we do things the way we do.
You can't get off easy here using someone Else's hot buttons, No, No, No, that is a plan waiting for Failure! 
You have to dig inside yourself deep and find out why You do what you do.
How you deal when it comes to Food, Decisions, Life. 
Do you grab the first thing in the fridge when you get home from work?
Or do you stop and say, heh, I don't think so!
There is always a sub-conscious choice going on inside our brains, and that sub conscious choice or switch as I like to call it needs RE-PROGRAMING! RE-BOOTING< RE-LOADING< RE-IGNITION! 
If you do the Homework ahead of time before you get to this point, with the rediscovery classes on You, you will have the Will-power to resisit these urges, the Bad decsions, choices, and faliures that have always happenned in the past.
Why, because you learned What, and Who they are, and now can make better informed ones.
You will see these learned lessons spill into all of your life, I am not kidding in this one. 
Frankly it gets a little scary at first, and some of your family and friends may not like it, they even may question you about it.
All I can say is this, stand up for the New You, and explain this is who you are now, and they will either Love you for it, or not. But if they truly Love you, they will support you no matter what changes you took, and see that they have made you better through it All!
So there you have it, your Recipe for Success, and I know you will all be your Own Success Stories.
Pass it On and Share, this is Monumental and Life Up lifting, Spiritually Refreshing information.

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